Sidney's Story

In 2022, we first shared Sidney's Story, the journey of a high school senior navigating kidney disease and dialysis.  Here is an update on Sidney's life since receiving a transplant, as told by her mother, Michele: 

Our lives were turned upside down in January 2022 when our daughter Sidney was diagnosed with advanced kidney failure in the ER.  It felt like all the wind had been knocked out a of us and we were desperately trying to get it back.   7 months after the diagnosis and daily dialysis, Sidney received the greatest gift of all.  Sidney and her mother Michele participated in an anonymous exchange and Sidney was gifted her kidney transplant.   We were finally getting our wind back. 

With the positive changes the transplant has given her, she has been able to live the life she had planned after high school.  Sidney started college at Doane University and began dancing on the dance team.   The effect of her kidney failure on her dancing was evident during her first dance camp before her transplant.  Sidney was unable to participate fully during dance camp.  The intensity of dance camp was too much for her body.  She did okay the first day, but her body let her know it couldn’t keep up and she sat out for most of the remaining dance camp.  That was a hard realization about her body’s stamina.  Transplant changed that and we have thoroughly enjoyed watching her dance at football games and basketball games.  Dance is her passion, and it makes me so happy watching her do something she loves and for her to be able to do it at the level she is used to.   The transplant has given her the ability to  truly dance again.  For that, we are extremely grateful.

College was something Sidney had looked forward to since she was little.  Sidney’s grandfather was  a dean for SCC, and she has always talked about going to college.  Sidney didn’t want to just go to college.  She wants to experience it all.  She lives in the new suite dorms with 3 other ladies and has her own bedroom.   She has enjoyed living with other girls watching movies at night,  rushing sororities, and getting to know each other.  Her and 2 of her roommates joining one of the sororities and that was one of Sidney’s dreams when starting college.  She really feels like she is a part of the Doane community. I couldn’t be happier to hear her say this. 

Sidney is also thriving academically.  Grades  have always been extremely important to Sidney. She still graduated with a 4.0+ GPA, a member of National Honor Society and Magna Cum Laude while doing dialysis her senior year of high school.  That hasn’t changed while at college.  She ended first semester this year with a 3.62 GPA.  Her major is biology.  Her experience with the kidney transplant has inspired her to go into healthcare.  She is currently working towards becoming an occupational therapist. 

Sidney has always had a lot of support around her with friends and family.  She has another person in her support group around her. His name is Ethan and they have been dating for 15 months.  Ethan isn’t intimidated by her transplant.  He caringly looks out for her.  He has taken her to her blood draw appointments, the ER once and genuinely cares for her.  They have a lot in common and I am happy she has him in her life. 

Sidney is an incredible fighter, but college would have been difficult to navigate without her kidney transplant.   The selfless gift given to her has made it possible for her to live her dreams.   We couldn’t be happier for her. 

Click here to read part 1 of Sidney's Story.

Click here to read part 2 of Sidney's Story.